Monday, November 26, 2007

went out with val and bren for val wed clothings
LOL , walked around fareast plaza for so long , in the end val brough nothing for wed concert-.-

daddy brought new com . lcd screen ah , lol , i dont know .
is like super big ah
and im not used to the keyboard and stuffs .

i think they brought for 1399 ?
wth , they brought without me going .
basket , ah , but one thing i love about the new com is like is FASTER IN SPEED (:
which is something great .

need time to adjust to it .
LOL , i feel so much better when using laptop :D

LOL , today training was , tough tough and tough .

lol , my faceeeeeeee . okay , i finally know how it feels to be slap by a person .
LOL , tengli slap me with a ball .
hmm , not his fault . he did service then the ball went right into my face . left side . the impact was strong . felt something went to the right side of my face . wouldnt see clearly .
but nevermind :D
tend to get hit when you are playing :D

did alot of UP-DOWNS more than 200

ahhhhh , my skills is turning very very ____________
sigh ... ):

LOL , after training gabriel and edward came to find us .
went to eat and they came my house to play volleyball
till 9 ,
kns , gabriel setting is super nice ah

i think me and sylvia are having the same injury .
knee pain .

stupid .


endurance is what i need (:

jiayouyuhuaaaaaaaaaa ~ <3
endurance is what i need .

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