Thursday, November 29, 2007

lol , ah , im love with jay chou songs .
more to the saddening songs .

ytd training was fun . especially the part where shi jie-s came .
played with them ah , super fun (: eunice you evil :D

LOL , and yesterday first time coach praise us of our service:D

i was like " huh , coach you say what uh ? i cant hear "
everybody laughs*

but of course , we are going to work harder .
as next year , west zone is starting off very early .
stress , stress & stress .

thanks junfeng for the advice . i know what to do to change:D

me and sylvia will try our best to bond the team together

LOL , stupid gabriel , we will win you one lah .
going to bren house today for volleyball with sylvia , joei , me , gabriel , edward & gabriel's friend.

hope it doesnt rain :D

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