Friday, April 23, 2010

it's always tough for those who are still alive when their dear ones are not around anymore.

okay,it's tgif but i'm staying home today because i'm really tired to go out.anyway,was suppose to meet up with joey and charmaine for dinner but cancelled,gonna meet up after mye i guess;)

this post is gonna dedicate to those bus driver uncle. (maybe you won't be interested still gonna write it)

ok,i have been sitting at the bus stop for many weeks awhile waiting for my friends to come.
As usual,today after my dad drop me off at the bus stop,i sat down and i realised that actually bus driver holds a very big responsibility when i saw so many people in/boarding the bus.

sometimes, we just board on the bus and even scold/comment at the driver when they suddenly jerk without thinking of the reason why they did so.

they might not be paid really high for driving but i really salute them because they are like responsible for so many people lives out there(if smth happens) especially for those bus which is double deck.... even more people o.o

so,i salute them;)
OKAY,MY TONGUE IS GETTING REALLY HOT because of the bento squid snack and my breezer isn't really helping so i'm out!

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