Wednesday, April 28, 2010

26/4 happy birthday adrian!
27/4 happy birthday amalia!
28/4 happy birthday vincent!
consecutive birthday!

this is the reason why the 4n have been singing birthday song continuously for 3days!haha
first paper,mother tongue falls on this friday,sian ttm.
been eating panadols for flu lately too but it is not helping seriously.
maybe i should find some day to go to the clinic,hmmmmmmmm.

ok,feeling drowsy now after taking the tablet.
gonna hit the sacks now!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

-happy birthday,sis.

his fav pose,haha.

sat: soaked myself from 330 to 10 in bk again,studying ok but of course we had some time off for ourselves too;) met up with haikel to study and lizamarie came and haikel left.
as usual,good chat with son.

liza and me were really bored of studying and we did siiii-tu-pi stuffs like balancing a pen between our nose and mouth,had fun doing that! pic still with her,gna upload soon.

sun-tuition turned out to be quite fun today,managed to yawn about 5-8 times only?
pick sis up from ion and visited sister.
sudden crave for black pepper crab and we had it for our dinner and dad started telling us about his experience when he ordered crab otw home.

he told us that he ordered two crabs(4legs) last time but when he ate, there is only 3 legs.
so,he asked the waiter to come and i think he said this sentence which was really funny.

plus his tone when he said that...we laughed like shit in the car.

ok,i guess that sums up my weekends;)

Friday, April 23, 2010

it's always tough for those who are still alive when their dear ones are not around anymore.

okay,it's tgif but i'm staying home today because i'm really tired to go out.anyway,was suppose to meet up with joey and charmaine for dinner but cancelled,gonna meet up after mye i guess;)

this post is gonna dedicate to those bus driver uncle. (maybe you won't be interested still gonna write it)

ok,i have been sitting at the bus stop for many weeks awhile waiting for my friends to come.
As usual,today after my dad drop me off at the bus stop,i sat down and i realised that actually bus driver holds a very big responsibility when i saw so many people in/boarding the bus.

sometimes, we just board on the bus and even scold/comment at the driver when they suddenly jerk without thinking of the reason why they did so.

they might not be paid really high for driving but i really salute them because they are like responsible for so many people lives out there(if smth happens) especially for those bus which is double deck.... even more people o.o

so,i salute them;)
OKAY,MY TONGUE IS GETTING REALLY HOT because of the bento squid snack and my breezer isn't really helping so i'm out!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

-HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

its been so long since we celebrated somebody birthday in school!
hahaha,almost everyone(4n) were at the canteen singing kim the birthday song.
it was nice;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

-PICTURES UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fnn practical today!!!!


digging digging nose,i can i can transform ya!

they call it the five flowers?LOLOLLLLLLLLL

newton circles!


ok,im out!;)