Saturday, January 16, 2010

DOWN WITH FLU again together with sore throat,ftw! :/

thursday- library together with caijing,jac,liza,kamal,adrian,syafiq,arzi!! stupid vending machine,haha! everyone didnt see that notice writting " out of service " but engrossed in browsing through the tibits,haha.
rush down to shuqun for vb at night!

yesterday was ^^!
went to yishun for vb, aching shoulders today,thanks to the metal bar.
haha. jy girls for the match on thurs :)
had a awesome dinner with coach,kimberly,yuki and nixon.
supposed to be a short dinner but ended up we talked and sat there for like 3 hours!
coach shared his kampong story with us and we were really into it.
spiders and marbles!!! haha.

ordered rojak and we(kim,coach and me) had a challenge in poking beansprouts with our stick,wth.i lost!haha
ordered another one again with more beansprouts this time round.
everyone played and had fun fighting with each other over beansprouts,hahaha!

caijing and jac are coming over now to watch the proposal and dinner later tgt!^^
most prob gna meet up with b1 and b2 for supper later too^^

/home i like!! can buy movies^^

-its not a matter about what you eat but its about who you eat with.


Kavis. said...


Jasmine said...

Sup!!goodluck for all your matches okay^^