Sunday, May 16, 2010


love the feeling of meeting/catching up with friends and we eat,shop and talk!
and mye is finally over and holidays is going but i'm not gonna slack because i think my mye results will be quite dissapointing and will take june to revise chapter by chapter properly!

ok,i'm 40percent awake so i will just do a quick one before typing errors out!
(deprived of sleep!!)

yesterday-last paper!! off to jp with the girls for lunch and met up with brenda(like finally,hhaha) at 5plus,sorry to make you wait! ;)

9plus felt hungry and went to cine xinwang!
sat outside mandarin gallery and some birds from the trees shitted on brenda hand and she shake her hand, my leg also have.hahahaha.

while waiting for cab outside cine..... brenda got her second birdshit on her blouse ,hahahhhahaha.superlucky.
had a great time catching up with her!!!;)
met up with qh,the centre parting guy and brenda had a great laugh at him seriously.

met up with caijing after her interview~

did some shopping myself and i realised that actually shopping alone is not too bad after all!!
after you come out of the will be like "should i turn left or right?"

had xin wang(AGAIN) instead of soup spoon for lunch!
and i bought something i like,heheheeeeeeee and we went to fep then to mandarin gallery to sit.
super cosy~~~ and we took a lot of pictures and had a great time laughing at it because some were super disgusting and TYPICAL.


cheap thrills~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

haha,dao! but i cant resist myself to laugh when i was taking this.

hahahaha,i swear this is super gay!
wahlao eh,i dont even have fringe to do this!haha

gigi,caijing got potential!!!hehe
come come
ok i swear this is candid! i was still positing my sweet and she took this shot.haha
our attempts for buey song face.
attempt 1: me=fail! hahahah.
attempt 2: ok,try not to smile already~
attempt 3: passed!!! ;)
hhahaha,i swear we took this shot super fast.

try out our angle skills.
next 2 shot. this woman, press me down and i have to squat for 5secs each to take this 2 shots,hahahah!

caijing: why you look in the camera!you should look into the screen.
jasmine:LOL,ok second one! *looks into the camera~
and while waiting for the train,caijing got bitten by a cockroach,hahhhahahhahahaha.
her expression super cute i tell you.

ok,tomorrow will be a stay home sunday for me after the 2 days in town,mio movies~~!!!!!!!! ;)