Sunday, February 7, 2010

-time always passes very fast without you knowing when you are doing something you like.

volleyball and captain ball,what a awesome way to end our friday!^^
went to yss and after training to coffeeshop, didnt had enough of playing vb so we played again,haha.
joanne was so cute ah, she was suppose to leave at around 7plus for her dinner and she drag and drag till 10pm,hahahah.
we had fun disturbing/playing with hefeng and his bro,so cute ah, dont want to give us sweets even though we kept asking,haha!
played captain cause kim suggested and everyone sweat again,hahaha.
my hair damn cui i swear.
everyone laughed at this ( vicTIM - vicTEM!!! )

met liza around 7plus and went to town^^
finally bought smth i like from topshop and liza bought her oh-so-smart dress.
we bought the same wallet too because we both like it very much^^
we had our dinner/supper around 10plus at soup spoon,hehehehe,we like!!!!

supposed to meet her up today after her church to continue shopping but HOMEWORK:/
NEXT TIME OK LUV! ;) bella's flee!


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