Saturday, May 30, 2009

fickle minded:(


got force to wear the headband,hahaha.
had a good time with sis and edwin.
he was playing guitar and it inspired me somehow... not to give up guitar,hahaha.

i must play yue liang dai biao wo de xing to mum.
mum sang while edwin play,first time o.ooooooooooooo

i wanted to say westlife than i said westmall-____________-
anyway,my results are like terrible but i won't give up!tmddddddd.

mum showed edwin my room then he was like
what i like the best is "the light" and i was like "wahlao!" hahah.

then mum showed him dad's room because they changed colour too.
dad was sleeping and mum just turn on the light.

mum: sleep like a pig.

dad didnt react so we all thought that he was really asleep.

dad: TAMADE!you think i never hear you ah.

we all laughed,hahaha.

bye thailand coach:/

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

from this...

to this! :D

very pink i know BUT I THINK VERY SWEET.
it was fun painting but tiring.
mum say put mas selamat pic up there-________-

daddy seriously funny yesterday.
i was like



ahahhaha,then we started laughing because it is like so randommmmmmmm.
i have decided to cut short my hair this holiday!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

jian xing!(build star ok) hahaahahahah,charmaine.
5years of friendship.

great catching up with you guys today!
Fly kite next time together ok,hahahahaha.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

OHYEAH,THANKS GUYS FOR MY BIRTHDAY CARD,LUV IT A LOT A LOT ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111

jiaen-HAHA,what retarded flowers!
"." - hmm,my birthday?
jiaen-thanks bitch,hahahah.
kahman-thanksssssssssss kahman!
yinghui-thanks yinghui!! :D
xueli-thanks xueli! :D
hayati-thanks hayati!!! :D
shah-ZSXZSXZSXZS! thanks zsx!:D
hazlina-YES,I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTT!thanks a lot!<3
kavis-hahaha! thanks both of you!:D
wesley-thanks wesley!!! :D
:) -you are?hahah thanks anyw!
justin-HAHAH,you all happy i also happy!:D
mingkang(bastard) -thanks bitch!!!:D

sorry to squeeze all these tags together.
thanks guys a lot a lot a lot ! <3

thanks guys a lot a lot a lot! <3

pics not in order.
romeo after play basketball with justin,hahaha

thanks sis,dad and mom! iloveyouuuuuuuuuu.

mum and sis shag already,haha.thanks a lot!

thanks guysssssssssssssssssss! :D


thanks guys for your messages,calls,hugs,tags and wishes!! :D
my class... sang 2 times of birthday songs for me,hahahhahaha.

talip "oh" never come.
miss lee relief for the first period and sang birthday song for me while i was distributing the sweets.
second period mr wee walked in and ask whether it was somebody birthday and they sang for me again.
thanks class!

syafiq and group sang for me,HEHEHEE.any songs i want.
jenny they change to jasmine.
thanks guyssssssssssssssssssssssss:)

arcade at marina.
walked to this prize machine shop where you put in 1 dollar and catch the toy.
i spent like 15 dollars on it.

MY FIRST TIME TRYING AND I GOT A PINK STITCH AND DORAMON within 15 mins,hehehehehhe,i shouted-_________-

change 10 dollars just to try the big toys,TMD:/ didnt catch any!

on the way back... we were like separated,hahaha!BUT THE TRAIN RIDE WAS VERY FUN RIGHT? JAC CAIJING AND KIEN!HAHAHAHHAHA.

reach home and saw mum they all preparing the food because it was like last min plan?so touched seriously.
thanks mom and sis!
my mum keep teasing mk, " xiao di! "
daddy more mean " EH! THE XIAO DI (MK) JUST COME ONE AH?" cause he was sitting at the corner.

played dices and losers have to drink either chivas or vodka.
kimhiang face turn red!! hahahah,so cute.
had fun for that a lot seriously very funny ah they all.

edwin came and we cut the cake!
thankgod everyone eats durian,hahahahah.
mum says romeo act one angmoh dog because he doesn't likes durian.

im happy because this year my birthday wish was ________________ .
great one this year!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

2 more hours to 15!!!!!!!!! HEHEHEHE.

yah,im starting to link people up already but the link is not in order ok,i swear!
so liza you might not be the first anymore!hahahhhah.

the training at phs by the ex-olympic setter player was awesomeeeeeeeeee but too bad is only one session:/yilun why yours is yesterday! haha

we couldn't really catch what he was saying in chinese,speaks so fast.
the warm up was like YOGA,HAHAHAHAHHA but it also made us sweat like siao.
a lot of endurance power needed.
the setting was fun,the speed was very fast because nobody dares to play a fool and set to the actual place.
we did learn a lot of things for today. overall a great one!

sylvia,syaz and me can't stand mr tan anymore,hahahahahha

while waiting for the train....

me:eh i think your bottle is gonna drop off sooner or later seriously because is like is gonna fall. (he put his bottle at the side of his bag)

i was so nice to tell him that and guess what he told me back

justin: OH! the design is like that one! want to drop want to drop that type.

i told them to slap me and we slap one another.

seriously he....... one of the "dao" teachers in sch.
but that made my day because it was seriously funny.

my results are horrendous......i failed one for like the first time :(
i failed ss,knnnnnnnnnnn.
but actually is was kinda expected... because i forget to compare,HEHEHEH.
i swear if the next test im gonna forget again i will slap myself.
that seriously made me lost a lot of marks:/

others subjects i passed so far but seriously not up to my expectations.
arghhhhhh,only myself to blame:/
but there is still EYEEEEEEEEEEEE.
mum is asking me to attend tuition and kienli is accompanying meeeeeee!

those who send me birthday message,you all are like so cute! i got people like sending me message happy advance birthday.
thanks a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt<3

Monday, May 18, 2009

fruity pebblesssssssss makes me happy.
some idiot says im like a children,hhaha.

the wind blew and it became like this o.o
hahaha,guess what is it!:D

ran the stadium,my stamina dropped a lot and thanks to the stitches on both side-______-
but it was nice to be back there running:D

i wish/want 30 handmade birthday cards on my birthdayyyyyyyyyy,HEHEHEHHEE.

happiness and saddness are not caused by the surroundings but they are caused by your thinking.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


seriously....i cant do my mask properly with my family around watching tv.
they..... keep making me laugh.
mum and dad,wahlao keep bickering all the way.
lynn ng,you suck!hahahahha.

and we all bet that she will married to him,HAHAHAHHAHA.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

one of the boys-katy perry:)
im addicted to it,hahhah.
argh,stupid fever made me stay at home and rot:/

i wanna drink hey dairies chocolate milk nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


Friday, May 15, 2009


say hi to my new friend,hahaha.
sorry hasmidah,ben for using up all your tissues!!!!
fnn was a horrendous one.

liza,jac and me are like having running fever now:/
very xin ku:(

we thought you will be understanding enough but ......
it really hurts a lot a lot to see that message.
what are friends for? :(

someone please tell me that the message sender wasn't you.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


arghhhh,i haven't even start reading what i borrowed from library and the due date is like 19may-_____-
liza is gonna kill me if i dont return on time,haha.

was dozing off while i was going home in the bus, i wanted to cab-_-but no extra cash and ytd just cabbed home._. AND I WAS WONDERING WHETHER I GOT SNORE IN THE BUS ANOT.HAHAHAHAHAH.

F&N paper tomorrowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, is like the last paper because mon is eng,HEHE!

i miss those days we all act cute together,jahahahaha.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

pretty right! the eyes!
romeo becomes like that when he sees......

SHE is currently outside my house now eating the cat food i bought and romeo is like o.o at her.
and we don't know what to do with her if auntie says its not her cat.
poor thing:/

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

alson is gonna accompany me mug till 1am tonight :)

J says:
you sure you wont sleep meh!

[i][u]Alson[/u][/i] says:
of cos....

J says:

[i][u]Alson[/u][/i] says:
milo is my essence of life

[i][u]Alson[/u][/i] says:
as long there's milo i wont slp

J says:
yeah right.

he said his 4 cups of milo is gonna last him through the whole night.
we will seeeeeeeeee(8

anddddddddd a lot of people reacted the same way about the video abusing animals:/
goodluck to all! :)
mum told me " dont have to study so hard "
me :wahhhhhhh,first time leh.
mum: later you study until you crazy,just take it easy.

this made my day!
4.21 am,phy and math!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009
please stop abusing the animals they have feelings too ok! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
what,burn the rats,cut off their tails or something.
kicking or throw them around.
skinning dogs for their fur.
let me catch you doing this i dont care whether you are !@#$%^& person i will slap you on your face.

i didnt really watch finish because its really.... :(
but ryan and justin told me what they saw and their reactions are like !@#$%^& too.

why do we have to kill living things just for our own benefits?
slaughter pigs,chicken,duck just to eat them.
skin sheeps,dogs or other animals to make smth and sell it.

i really hate it:/

Sunday, May 10, 2009

its 5.15AM now,enough of geo.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

mask -_________-

ugly shit please,hahaha.
i gave her this expression when she ask me to kiss her-_____- and i didnt know she took it,fk.

brenda says:


no sun tomorrow please!hahaha.

im gonna paint my room pink and grey and i will make sure this time my movie roll turn out well ok!
i stared at the sky and asked myself this question,a little random.

what would you do if you find out your good friends lied to you?
and i thought of only 2 ways.

1.confront them and ask them why.
2.treat it as nothing happen,nonchalant.

i will choose 2 although i would want to know the reason a lot but if i was going to choose 1 our friendship will definitely be on the rocks.

what about you?

got back our geo paper,mr nazri said that i failed when i ask him last week which made me so moody but he lied to me,haha.

chinese paper tomorrowwwwwwwww! :/jy people!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

tsk tsk,someone act cool with the mask ah,dont force me to post it up,HAHAHAHHA.
mrs tan say i get very excited when we discuss about food,HEEEEEEEEEE.

studied today with liza,kien,luvenia,fatimah and midah at tgiW instead of F.
seriously midah.... -_________-
she kept singing nobody by wonder girls!step cute onlyyyyyyyy
we kept laughing at each other,stupid bitch.hahaha.
otherwise she will sing " kien liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (cant live ) " with those very drama mama actions.
we can't even keep quiet for 15mins-.-
but it was still a fruitful one(8
friday is chineseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee exams,kill me:/

study time nowwwwwwwwwww,chineseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!11

Monday, May 4, 2009

some were ask to wear because of coughing and sneezing.
3n3 get well soooooon, so many people are falling sick:(
some were send out of the classroom to do the paper.
before the second paper starts,everyone was like wishing each other goodluck(3
i changed place with ah hiong,haha because i was feeling cold and he was feeling hot.
and all the guys were like disturbing me.
amirul shah and danielgoh,you both-.-without fail...

mum:MY ROOM COLOUR NICE RIGHT! (after painting her room to idk what colour is that,but not bad)
me:mine nicer please,so romantic
mum:please la,like temple(!!!!! ) ,please change it to another colour.

and i told her i want to change it to hot pink and she say not bad,heeeeee.
after mye!
sort of screw up my ss paper :(((((

but i wont give up,tmd!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

hi,im hot.
call me a HOTDOG(8

okay,lame i know.
"mr nice"(eeyerS) i assume you laugh at this ok.
F.Y.I - mr nice =ryan tan.
he gave himself that,HAHAHAHA.
first reaction from me-EEEYER!

my brain cells are like getting lesser and lesser.
its 3+ now and i should close my books.

faiz is sweet-___________-

Saturday, May 2, 2009

ulcer please go away:/
i'm not gonna talk for the next 5hours i swear.

caijing,dont force me to put up those pics,HAHHAHHAA.
better treat me well from now onwards,heheeeee.
melinn birthday party was great.
especially the part where we went in her room with 11 people inside playing the lovebox game and true or dare(standard) but we didnt spin the bottle instead we use sciccor,paper,stone!jonas was damn hilarious through out the whole party.
alvin strip for nothing.__.hahahaha.
LIZA GOOD KISSER SEHHHHHHHH(8 everyone saw,hahaha.
melinn's baby sang with us when we sang birthday song for her by barking and jumping around,so cute.
hamburger cake was very nice done and of course with a lots of creams over it,everybody was like wah because it really looks like a real one.
i took the last train home from chua chu kang cause i didnt alight at bukitgombak.
when i heard bukitgombak then the train was like closing already.
i was like "okay shit,i have to get on the next train otherwise i have to ask dad to pick me up"
my dad called.
me:too tired,didnt see.
dad: something is fishy,got gombak to alight you dont want,somebody over there with you is it?
me:YAH YAH YAH,my boyfriend,we are kissing and you called.
and that's the max that he trust me.
but i didnt get reprimanded that much when i got home (:
my music playlist is like __________ . all 30secs.
im changing to mixpod after mye (8

Friday, May 1, 2009

flu and ulcer at the same time,great-_-
i think i have used like 6 boxes of tissues this week already.
pearl powder doesn't seem to help with the ulcer too:/

went for romeo third injection yesterday,sister drove at 120km on the expressway to pick edwin up and her songs are like arghhhhh,if dad was on the car he will be like !@#$%^& already,haha.

edwin dad taught me some stuffs about guitar if only my dad can be like edwin's dad,how cool will it be!

mum is like driving me crazy-_- keep wanting me to study study and study:(
im not a robot ok.
what i need is your moral support not your scoldings.