Monday, March 30, 2009

open your eyes.

seriously,i miss singing in choir a lot alot alot! :(
after i watch css with mum. she says if i wanna learn singing she will let cause better than learning guitar.
cause i was like "why i cannot sing like you! get so many trophy!"
i like lunch today with the girls!
and chinese lesson,practically about abuse. she told us about her experience seeing pigs,cows, animals being slaughter... :/ and it leads me to a lot of thinking and im avoiding eating pork k!
everytime i dont eat pork my family will be like "you malay ah!" -__-

caijing,love story ah! (8

Sunday, March 29, 2009

pink!!!!!!!! -_____-


i think its quite comical,hahah! guys do watch it,NS song!
wanted to post some pics on the class banner,BUT MING KANG NEVER SEND ME! h8 you,hahaha.

seeing joyce and melinn working at bk yesterday i also feel like working eh!
but will be restricted on doing a lot of things.__. like going out with friends and etc:(
had a sudden feel on watching MVP valentine today morning and we watch till the 3rd episode!

its monday tomorrow again:/ test!! got to S.T.U.D.Y!
haven't been really studying for test now a days the marks that i got back from teachers are like just a pass or fail.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

i like phy class todayyyyyyyyyy although there is test ( macam like not test seriously everyone was asking whats the formula for acceleration.

before the test i was asking miss chew.

me: CHER,today tired eh can postpone the test? :D

miss chew: your mother tired also dont need to go work la?


miss chew walks off because she paiseh already,haha.

HAHAHA and everyone start laughing.
when almost everyone do finished their test paper...
we were playing with paperplanes._______.
some of you may say childlish or whatsoever la but then sometimes these things can make us laugh like hell unless you are really those... serious type of people-.-

like last time math class, mingkang throw the paperplane and it went straight to adli hair and stayed there and the whole class started laughing even the teacher also.

mingkang plan flew and flew out of the class and everyone was very surprised,we were like "ahya,cannot fly far one la" then fly fly fly and fly out of the class. we were like "wow"

OHYAH, i did something really very embarrassing today:/
dad didnt come and pick me up after my training then i went home with justin.
i was at my block downstair waiting for the lift to come so i was looking around la.
and i saw this lady which ressembles like my mum a lot. the hair,size and they way she dress.
so i thought she was my mum-.-
then she looked at me then i was like "ohshit not my mum" thankgod the lift came and i quickly walk in.HAHAHHHAHAH.

i told my mum and my sis they were laughing like hell,jidan!

anywayyyyy thanks clique for accompanying me buy my guitar yesterday,HEHEHEEE.
starting next wed, sis says left handed very difficult to learn guitar :/

tomorrow will be starting training at night,hope its great! :D

caijing,love you la k! follow your heart:D

Saturday, March 21, 2009

romeo seeking for help

diao me,HAHAHA.

my mum says that he look like light bulb,HAHAHAHA.
for the first time,he is sleeping like that with the 2 hands stretch.

last day of holidayyyyyy, no more waking up late and i haven't even touch my homework,asknlearn cant log in,heeeeeeeeeeee:D
i like tuesdayyyyyy!!! justin drove us to changi village for nasi lemak and we walked to changi beach.
we scream a lot and there are a lot of stars,i like (: thanks justin for driving us there,HEHEHE.

mingkang,syafiq,adrian!a ride to jookoon again k!HAHAHA.

friday!finally a meet up with my primary schmates,charmaine and joeyyyyy during this sch holiday:D
HAHAHA,charmaine like so shy to see me:/
watched hotel for dogsssssssss! and joey fall down after that which makes us laugh like hell:D
next time stay over k! (:

and donglun,you suck lie to me say you are going to move house.HAHAHA.

Friday, March 20, 2009

after much procrastination...
a lot of people says that i should put because they are lazy to post commentssssssss._.

so you people should tag now,HEHEHEHEHE,jk.
sorry guys for not making it to the library!:/

Monday, March 16, 2009

hi bitches out thereeeeeeeeeee,hehehehe.
decided to change my front size because it irritates me when i browse through my blog,haha.

did a meetup with eunice yesterday.
alson you suck,HAHAHA.
let me tell you what he did.
he was the last to reach yet he send zhenwei this message

"the last to reach vivo will treat jelera(?)" hahahah,i think should be gelare right?
and we were waiting for him at the platform and the train arrived but we didn't board on it because alson haven't reach but he just board it upon seeing us.

then we were like "WTH! WHY ALSON BOARD THE TRAIN?!"
maybe is because he wants to get the treat!hahahaha.

we 3 stared at the hamsters for like so longgggggggg,seriously damn cute.
6 of them squeeze at the trackmill,pushing those sleeping ones down.
one drop and the expression was like "wth,why did you push me down"
kept laughing,macham like never see hamster before,HAHAHA.

watched race to the witch mountain! i like! :D
tengli i know that you are blaming 963,HAHAHA.

came home and mum found out she got 3rd in singing competition with 110 people participating she came home earlier because she thought she no chance already._____.
but her friend delivered the good news to her when she is grumbling about the competition.
anywayyyyy.she is happy and im happy because she doesn't nag at me for today!!!!!HAHAHAHA.

running later!please don't rain,HAHAA.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

SONNNNNNNNN!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!<3 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

yesterday went for TGIF! haunted trail.

they was screening THE EYE and they will call one by one to walk the haunted trail.
i was the second to volunteer cause i want to finish it asap.

we have to choose balls,if the sticker written 1 meaning you have to go by yourself.
BUT THENNNNNN,they allowed me to have one more person to go with me.
and i choose liza but they said that there is 2 person then there will be more energy to attract the spirits and etc.HAHAHAH!heng i choose one more.

she ah.__________.haven't blind folded already started crying.hahahah!
was in a small room and a lady brief us on what's gonna happen inside,HOTEL 626.HAHAHA!
she said that we must complete the mission by 2mins otherwise something will happen to us
and liza started crying again make me scare also! wanted to forfeit but can't,hahaha!
we took like 5mins to get her settled down wanted to change partner because she was still crying,hahaha.

and we wanted to ask one more people to come along but they said the rule is max only 2 person:(

i started talking to liza about math homework and making to sec 5 together to calm ourselves down.

the room was really dark and we walked to the tent and have to search for key to open the door.

while searching for the key.....

me: liza today got math homework right!

liza: dont have la * continue searching for the keys

me: HAVE LORRRRRRR. page 153 question 6!

liza found the key and we ran to the door.
jidannnnnnnnnnnnn,they purposely put alot of keys so you have to try one by one.

he was saying "you have come to my house" in that tone.....seriously scary.
and while i was finding the correct key he kept scare us

i was like "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SCARING US!"HAHAHAH but he continued la,wth and we continue screaming
actually i found the right key but i didnt insert properly thats why can't turn after that finally i open the door,me and liza hugged each other at that moment.

and we were " saved" AAHAHAHAH.mission completed then liza cried again.

went out and they were like "JASMINE WHERE IS LIZA got eaten by the ghost? " cause i was walking ahead of her and i laughed.

in the end they got not enough time,they allow 3 or 4 person in a group to go in together!:/should have go the last few,HAHAHA!
and they dont have to find the key then can get out already ah,jidan!
but great experience right liza!!!!AHAHAH.

sister pick us up and went homeeeeeeeeee,TMR IKEAAAAAA BTTW!!!!HAHAHAHA
gtg for suppppppppper,bye.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i did finished all my homework today,surprisingly.
NA students all skip social studies remedial yesterday,HAHAH.cant blame us,the teacher made us wait for 10 mins.
and we had a mini concert and it definitely made my day!kimhiang ah,not bad.everybody started cheering for him,damn hilarious. Some wanted his autography and someone gave him a flower,MADE OF PAPER._____________.
thurs-chem test:(
fri-MT test,TMDDDDDDDDDD:/ i think i will fail.

during english class today i was reading out the eng paragraph about the vietam trip to the whole class and it comes to the word "allowed"

I READ AS ALLOW-ED.HAHAHAHAHAH,damn embarrassing,i don't know why i read that way too,then i was like OHYEAH,SHIT.
stop laughing with you are laughing now.HAHA.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

one night with you again,HAHHAH.
WATCHED MARLEY AND ME!so touching and i cried._.tmd always like that.
cab to brenda house like 11.25pm after the show.
hamster do pee okay brenda:D her brother hamster so cuteeeeeeee,reminds me of my previous 4 hamster:(HAHA.

met pat and qh @ railmall at 1am we talked alot.
qh,i cant stand you anymore,bloody hell always make me laugh
he says if i lie i will grow 1cm shorter that's why im so short,ji dan:/
talked till like 4plus.
qh is scared of snakes and toads he said that he got probia.
actually i didnt really care whether there is toads or snakes anot then he .___________. "later got toads how!" and i started to scream too so me and him walked along the road,HHAHA,
damn hilarious.

we got to climb up this very long and dark staircase,all of us started looking for toad to avoid and pat found one._. me and qh don't dare to climb up the staircase then i decided to chiong all the way,HAHAHA.

brenda use a stick to scare me then i scream very loudly._.tmddd,hahaha.
guitar hero next,pat and bren makes a good band ah got potential,i suck at it,HAHA.
we watched tv and started crapping again and we decided to surf the net.
HAHAHAHHAHA,seriously all of us laugh like !@#$%^&* when qh kept commenting.

cabbed to westmall like 12 again,5CENTS,hahha.
subway for lunch and all of us cab home again,broke already:(
omg,i can't upload the pics on fridayand i dont know why,sorry guys!
tomorrow is monday again,monday blues.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thinking Of You - Katy Perry

i kinda miss 2n3 when i browse through.

i miss this class a lot:/

the girlssssssss.

and hopefully syafiq recover soon:/i guess everyone miss his craps.


i like to talk to mdm salina,she is ....funny.HAHAH.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3.5 yays for me!
phy common test is over.
geo common test is over.
eng grammer test is over.
.5 =chinese writing format test,half way and im doneeeeeeeee.

i woke up like bloody 4 to study when everyone is still sleeping.
actually i woke up because i was shocked._.
MY DAD AH,HAHA.he was watching tv so i thought it was 6am already thats why he is awake.
i walked to his room and saw his clock and the time shows 4plus and he said that he couldn't sleep.
then i realised that im still left with phy to study!was concentrating on geo on the previous night.

changed back the classroom when raymond announce that my class was like "YES" cause we dont have to climb up an extra level.
mr talip made half of the class do an essay on "why we shouldn't leave our books in the class"-.-
currently there is only a few sentences that i could think of now..

i can expect people to be sleeping seriously...

I'm expecting this weekend to be fun!

Monday, March 2, 2009

i hate today
i hate test and tomorrow there is more coming on.
i hate fnn because i always screw up with my practical.

to summarise,i hate Monday.
MONDAY BLUES you know.