Tuesday, June 30, 2009

HEHEEH,have been having a lot of free periods:)

mirzwan was damn cute today,teasing midah because she cut her hair short and they says it looks like a helmet.

he sat on the chair and acting like he was on the bike and starting making noises and made the class laugh like shit.
mr talip didnt come today!!!!!!! cher give us watch bat man and mirzwan act like one and we were like "eh,black man!"

for once,phy lesson we behaved so well!
i think,suhailah and liza wants him to become over phy teacher!hahahahhha.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

we should all look forward ok,although no more sleeping till 11plus and watching tebbie painting house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :'(



just finished reading 07,08 post:)

and i found this!!!

brenda C: says:
oh kok san
brenda C: says:
oh dan san
brenda C: says:
oh zhen san a.k.a steam mountain
brenda C: says:
oh al san
brenda C: says:
Zhen Wei says:
Alson says:
tat's veri insulting
brenda C: says:
and kokhao,didnt know that you are a gay.so dissapointing.HAHAHAHAHAAH

this cheer me up,hahahaha.

dad's car playlist kept repeating billie jean by michael jackson,SINCE LAST WEEK,its nice:)

Friday, June 26, 2009

post a quick one and bath:)

-met liza,went to bk to find the tripleJ!
-saw hazlina and her sister!
-watched our school chinese dance performers at starbucks
-went to old town coffee to eat with the girls!:) *suddenly feel that we are closer than before:)
-caijing and jac went home.
-liza joyce and me stayed at the staircase area like 1hour o.o
-10plus kienli and co came.
-and home with liza,rajes and her sister:)

okkkkkkkkkkkkk,gonna bath.
TOMORROW,gonna drag my dad to buy pastries,HEHEEHEEEE.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

watched transformer with dad in the noon.
FULL HOUSE-_- (it was okay... BUT TOO LONG)
while waiting for the show to start,dad went for leg massaging and i spent 40mins there browsing magazine...

while signing up for the package..the person over there asked my dad how old he was and he said 5_ plus and the person "HUH! i thought you are like 40plus" and my dad said "WAH,HAPPY ALREADY GOT PEOPLE SAY IM 40PLUS! "

and i think he was too happy or something and bought a lot of things and bought me a shorts too,hahahaha.

rush down for lessons,i know the shortcut for Bm!:)
and i left my guitar with him to change strings and no lessons for next week too:/
was tired and family came to pick me up,hehehe.

off to tivi!!!!!!!! ^^v

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

they made my day!:)
we kept laughing at those part we made mistakes at when kienli was editing the movie.
there is one scene where the baby cried really loudly when liza was saying until half way and she gave this type of face -_______-
everyone blurst out into laughter when kien was editing.

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
and wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up christmas list

my grown up christmas list-kelly clarkson

Sunday, June 21, 2009

jityee just send me this message

you may log on to www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/index.htm and vote for extend holidays.forward to your friends adn ask them to vote,thanks.

hahaaha,i didnt believe but it was true.
wahlao,damn cute seriously.didnt expect to see this poll on channelnewsasia but i didnt vote ah,hahahaha,after all,we won't be the one deciding on this matter.
tomorrow,finally starting my homework with the girls!:)


Saturday, June 20, 2009

shall blog while waiting for adrian to send me ss project stuffs.
seriously can't wait for the shooting to take place,i think it is gonna be hilarious.

out with the girls yesterday,i feel so cheated!!!!!! :(
they should know the reason,hahaha.
i will be back at that shop,i swear!!!:)

going back to sleep even although i just woke up 2hours ago,hehehhehe.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

caught this with kim,tim,jit,yip yesterday,it was hilarious man.

slack with tim and jit together with romeo at my house downstairs.
and dad point laser down.hahaha,idiot.

he called me:

dad: huh!call you come up so many times,why are you still downstairs!

me:HUH HUH,no reception can't hear you.... (yeah right,haha) why!you scare i elope with the 2 guys is it!
and he kept quiet,hahahahaha.

played cooking mama on wii with sis till 2plus and found myself waking up at 2pm today!:)
suppose to have cycling trip today but cancelled but there is always next time!!!!!!!1

okkkkkkk,gonna do research on my ss project now:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

happy belated birthday joyce chowwwwww,FRIDAY IS COMINGGGGGGGG OK!:)
happy birdday jem!:)

gonna continue with math now-________-
gosh,not much $ left! :/

Sunday, June 14, 2009

hit the town with girlfriends!
you can see the word "sales" everywhere you go seriously.
next week again!!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

practice makes perfect!:)

I MUST! *last week pic,im not gonna plaster my fingers again!

finally did our ss project but still half way throughhhhhh.
gonna come my house and lend dad's car,HAHAHHA.
not gonna reveal much details!
syafiq trying to pronounce licensing,we laugh like shit seriously.

guitar lessons after that.
tmd!kim and tim lied to mr ng that we are not friends,haha.
but i guess it's pretty obvious right!
cause i kept looking at kim,hahaha and he knowssssss.
he gave us an jing by jaychou,strumming:(

we had a great laugh at our primary school stuffs after lessons,it was really funny!
okay,gonna go practice nowwwwwwwwwwww!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

let go.

sentosa today with tgif members.
the weather was H.O.T and so were we.

and almost everyone got sunburn,hahaha.
my face,as usualllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Q:who is the culprit!
A:the sunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!
jac was hilarious seriously, jat! hahahahhaha.

Monday, June 8, 2009


thanks liza for accompanying me like so early to give the letter,luvyou.

arghhhhhhhhh,S.battery finishes so fast,i charged like 2 times a day.
pepperlunch with liz and jac at imm together with liza friends,randy and randy.

i was eating and i didn't realised that the celebrity,nathaniel(i'm not crazy over him but jac is! ) was sitting infront of our table until i took a closer look at him,somehow..looked like kitweng,hahahaha-___-

i asked jac and everyone was like looking at him,so ps:/
and we just continue eating and this randyyyyyyy,JUST SHOUTED his name,TWICE!!!
we were like shhhhhhhhhhhhh because it was so so so so embarassing i swear and he continue shouting his name.

jac told me that he looked at her and i was like -________-

and we went to jp,RUNAWAY PLAN FROM LIZAAAAAAAAAA and we got bullied by her like shit when we got caught,hahaha.

hazlina sayang,cheer up ok,look at that piccccccccccccccc,HEHEHEHE.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

trying,not to look back.

haha,i love my dad...so supporting.

he brought me to jp to buy pixon,like finally!
and he talked term with me in the shop(still cross our thumb after we agreed,haha) which is to confiscate lp:/
ate at TTF,xiaolongbao was >>>>> :(
seriously can't compare to mayim.

went to christofori music sch to register for guitar lesson!
cause got kim,tim and cloud as my guitar matesssss:)

tomorrow gonna register at benjamin math with kienli!!!!!!11

to kahman- <77777777777,happy already right! hahahaha.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

arghhhhhhhhhhhhh,so irritated now.
i was using the lp in my room then my dad came in and said

dad: can go to your studying room and use the com?later your mum kb me.

and i just went to the study room cause i dont want mum to nag at me too.
i dont know why she doesnt let me use the laptop till 12plus in my room seriously,
is like both are coms-____-

and yeah,she is serious this time about confiscating:( already asked me to transfer all my files over.

tues went out with the girls it was fun and we catched dance sabaru and now i know the why people detest to sit at the first row.
is the neck so pain and i kept fidgeting:/

next week.....shopping ok!!!!!!!!!!111111

just had a small gathering with kenneth and co.
tkh,i got your dirty little secret with me,you better know what to do!hahhahah.

i pissed tim and cloud when we were heading to my house which made me laugh like shit.
played guitar and tim played you and me by lifehouse,so unexpected,haha.

its 12.44 now,mum came in to the study room and say nothing.
SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! things will be different if i was using lp-________-

Monday, June 1, 2009


thanks syaz for today,luvyou.

pepperlunch with liza,haha.we took such a long time to finish the food because she was listening to my complainssssssssssssssss,hahaha.
stupid wilson was working there and he bluff me that he changed his name-.-

accompanied kien and joyce for their breaks:)
omggggggggg,seriously i got the urge to work with them also.
like very fun and i can get experience too
if only can try for one day....

accompanying dl to eat his supper later-______-
out with the girls tomorrow for movie:D
then meet up with brothers for supper,its been so longgggggggggggg i didnt see them:/