Saturday, November 8, 2008

didnt go out today):
romeo was coughing out phlegm the whole night,guess sister didnt sleep much.
cancelled the trip,sorry:/and went to the vet with sis since she got no one to accompany her and she needs help._.
was very fedup when we are waiting for cab.
with dog=cannot.
on call,made us wait for like half an hour under the hot sun.
hopefully romeo is alright now.

and i dont know what happened to my left leg,over stretched or something.
otherwise i slept in wrong position,pain bodoh.

tomorrow going fishing with godparents,out to the sea!lol
last time i went,i got dengue._.fever then dengue,which was very long ago.

hopefully tomorrow there is fishes:D
alson said that he can only imagine me catching guppies:/

going to forget everything and take that as nothing happened before.
hopefully everything will go well with it.

HAHAHAH,going to have my supper with dl,kohwee,leslie and sis since didnt eat dinner.

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