Friday, August 22, 2008

i enjoyed yesterday and today was greattttttttttttttt(3 (because its indoor!)

yesterday and today played every match.was so tired.hah
huili,liting and valencia came.
just got to know valencia today?
feel so bad for aiming her just now during the match.i think today very tyco-.-keep servicing the ball,almost like 7balls?
today match.won every match that we played.
today dig set spike,me and brenda was sweating like hell?play until very chiong,enjoyed it:D
thinking back,we became close is because of the 100balls of digging.
that time me and bren decided to dig the 100balls together during training.was so fun just like today?so we decided to be partners:Dand then i became her wife!LOL.

and veronnnnnnnnnnnnn.
you cannot touch the ball ahhhhhhhh.
takecare of your knee alright.
we will accompany you to see the doc if you want(:

veron and syl lets buy adidas/nike bagpack together alright!but of course im buying adidas one.
sylvia wants
and is been so long we played till so played till 8plus.
6plus Bboys started coming up and start their indoor training.(like night training)
i think they improved alot seriously.
me and bren service the ball to them.
good service training(:
and others came too.
and we were asking to play back row main and centre.
that justin tan,really jump very high-.-

had dinner with team,syazreen and ain came too although it was coffeeU.
daniel,hahahahah.i still cant forget what i told you at the bus stop,so dumb.

AND CAIJING i miss you okay!come back to sch faster:D

the 7hearts that i drew during reading
dont give up okay son,jiayou(:
gosh,tmr have to go watch fireworks-.-


Anonymous said...


Jasmine said...