Sunday, July 20, 2008

i really cant take it anymore.
family,friends,cca,studies have been stressing me.
i know im slow.but you dont have to take me and compared with other people right.
all of you keep nagging on me since yesterday
saying that you all want to send me to godma house,i think i wont be so stress over there.

wake me up early in the morning just ask me to study.keep asking me to study maths.
dont force me till the extend.
after each maths tution i really feel like dropping out of express math.
i really feel like killing myself.

and to x and joey:
whats the problem with me typing that.
"love yo" sounds nicer and i think is very common for people to use.
and stop insult caijing.

took down my tagboard because i dont want see anymore of me humji or whatever.
im really very tired.

sometimes i really wonder whether friends around me are really my true friends anot.

i really need to scream and cry badly.
im a bitch,happy now?


The Egg Woman said...

Hey,you okay not? Think on the bright side man. Be opptimistic(:

world without cats is chaos ./* said...

who are those childish imbeciles that said that of you?

hey you guys better leave her alone if not I for one won't leave you guys alone.

jas, sis is really sorry for not being understanding enough okay? if anything happens in school and you want to talk about it just tell me... don't let these screwed-in-the-brain fools get you down.

i've been through your stage and i understand how it feels. i used to have people flaming me even when i was in sec one. but guess what? you have got what they don't. that's the reason why they're like that.

and bird brained kids who read my sister's blog (i wished i could call you kiddos like friends or young adults or something but i've decided you people still have a long way to go before you're qualified individuals), i think it would do you people lots of good to just keep your opinions (man im kind to call those tags OPINIONS) to yourself. what you say reflects on yourself... and what's that again? hum ji kia? WAHAHAHA~ didn't know we were in the 1960s where people used Hokkien to curse and swear.

Because my sis and I don't belong there. We're moderned, civilized people. *smirks*

Jasmine said...

sis,thanks sis<3

Jasmine said...

egg woman,hahh alright,thanks:D