Saturday, July 28, 2007

i guess today was a sleeping day for me :D

i slept till 11 plus and i slept again at 2 plus till 6pm :D

cant blame me , it was a nice weather:D

went to IMM to buy chinese handbook ,

me and my dad went to eat AJISEN:D

walk around and went back home .
the most funniest part was , daddy tried to rap a small part of S.H.E song .
then he gave up and he said " **** - ing bastard man !

then he sang the first sentence of wu yue de tian lah
it was LOW and super funny the way he sang ,

then i said " hey , dont sing lah , romeo still wants to go weewee later "

then he said " what the fuck "

well , today is a sleeping day for i think .

i slept till 11 plus and surf on internet till 2 plus and i slept again till 6 :D
bought romeo down weewee .

daddy and me went off to IMM to eat AJISEN :D

then i went to buy chinese handbook for the coming common test .

on the way back . my dad tried to rap a small part of S.H.E song .

then he sang the first sentence of S.H.E , wu yue de tian .

hahah , super funny lah . then after that i said

" hey daddy , dont sing lah . later rain . romeo still have to go weewee "

then he said " what the fuck "


Friday, July 27, 2007

hahah , i so love todayyy :DDDDDDD


had music , that male teacher was here , we __________ . then we came back recess the teacher wrote this before he left

" those who were throwing paper balls and escape class will have to stay back , if not will get double punishment "

okay i didnt take my lit test lah , but the paper was with me i only did a few questions.
stupid lah , mrs siva didnt told us it was a open test book . then i didnt bring the storybook . a few of them didnt bring too lah .

then during the test , me and syazreen doing maths ! haha , before that , all of us didnt have the books went over to 1n4 and borrow . but they were not in the class lah . then some of them just take .

hope they got return :D
otherwise we are going to get complains .

after school met brenda , sylvia , celine and joey for lunch that stupid brenda keep taking pictures .so shitty lah , she say she going to post up the candid photos , i hope she didnt .

thenwent up and play volleyball together with wesley .
and yes , some things which i dont wish to mention .

after 10 rounds of running , we did some spiking and stuffs .
and i fall down lah cause to dig that stupid ball .
but thankgod it wasnt that serious . just blood only .

ahhh , so unlucky lah this week , fell down 3 times .
both my leg injured ):
but nevermind :d

had match , hahah , i serve the ball upper hand over :D so happy lah

after volleyball training had briefing then chatted alot of craps with couch and mr tan . when couch asked
" who didnt serve over the ball ? "

all of us raise up our hands including mr justin tan because he was in the game too "
i think is because his hand was injured .

went to eat dinner with brenda , sylvia , joey and celine :D
we talk alot about volleyball:D
and benchan went to join us (:

went home about 7.45 found myself at home like 8.15 .
yah , super later i find .
thankgod mum didnt scold me cause i promised to be at home at 8pm:D

HAHA , so love them ! :D

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

LOL , my mum is SUPER CRAZY now man ,

okay , i shall not tell the reason .

today had history . oh so great lah , i didnt study for history because yesterday i was doing the maths question .

yes , all thanks to that , i didnt get to study history .

but sunday i did some quick revision lah . so i think i can pass . hope so :D
pray hard for me :D

then was english period , so shitty lah got 2 periods after the 2 periods is recess so if we misbehave WE HAVE TO STAY BACK ):

then her 2 periods ended .
everybody sat down quietly including me lah .

then she started calling people out so that they can go for recess .
then i was the LAST GIRL to call out ):

then was afer school , i was like finally , another wednesday has passed :D but we got to stay back in class because during assembly miss lee called our class to stay back , is like , we didnt even do anything wrong lahhh .

okay fine .

then had IT presentation . hahah . i didnt laugh and joyce too . but liza laughed when doing the presentation lah

then today had volleyball , after volleyball coach scolded us ):


Monday, July 23, 2007

yes yes yes , i'm in the school now ! :D

havent gone for volleyball training yet. in MLC now(:

sylvia brendaaaa ( my husband ) me are waiting for celine and joei .

celine just finish her presentation . she sounded like some new reporter on geo .

and now is joei turn ! HAHA . GOODLUCK !

ahhhh , super shit man . mine is going to be on the wednesday ):

just now went down with brenda to look for sylvia . after together , we ate a total of 6 cups of fruits . 2 each .

and i 'm so freaking full now :D

hahaha , i want to see joei present now ! :D

Saturday, July 21, 2007

had webcam with her just now , and we were making stupid faces lahhhhhh .

JASMINE (: - studying for common test says:
siht lah

JASMINE (: - studying for common test says:
i like super high

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

JASMINE (: - studying for common test says:

JASMINE (: - studying for common test says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

JASMINE (: - studying for common test says:
you also high because of me too right?

JASMINE (: - studying for common test says:

[c=#000000]R I K A ! SUPER UBER HAPPY [/c] says:

ahahah , she made my day man
okay lah , i'm quite bored so i went to do this !

Your Love Number is 4
You are a creative and expressive lover - a true romantic at heart.
An introspective soul, you know exactly how your ideal relationship should be.
But if you don't get that ideal, you tend to get a bit pouty and dramatic.
You need someone who can roll with the punches, that's for sure!

You Have A Type A- Personality
You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal
You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing.You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere.
And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile.You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about.
You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid.Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen.
Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else
You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly
Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows."

You Are Very Mature
Even though you may not always feel like it, you're a full fledged adult.And while everyone should be as mature as you, most people aren't!

You Are the Ace of Hearts
Youthful and playful, you love life and the world.You have a kind spirit, and you bring happiness to everyone you know.
Artistic and bold, you see the world in bright colors. And you certainly aren't afraid to express everything you see and feel.
You are sentimental, and your emotions are very deep.You are easily swept away and easily hurt.
A gamble you should take: Blackjack
Your friends would describe you as: Unique
Your enemies would describe you as: Weepy
If you lived in Vegas, you would be: An up and coming chef or fashion designer

You've Already Found Love!
Whether you know it or not, you've already found loveAnd this guy could be it, so hold on to him!And if you're single, start looking more carefully at your guy friendsIt could be anyone you already know, so keep an open mind.

okay , this is like , not quite truth , because i dont love anyone (:

Friday, July 20, 2007

oh yes , is been like a week i didnt blog , i guess .

oh yes , yesterday i watched 200 pounds beauty , is SUPER touching for the last part .

today is friday again ! (:

today lesson was like super quiet during english and history .
we didnt make noise during english lesson because mrs foo was telling ghost story , and i think partly the reason was

she acutally wanted to keep us 15mins every recess for ONE week , if we dont keep quiet and she got permisson from the principle and mr sewa .

okay , we were like " what the "

but of course i kept quiet is because i wanted to listen to the story .

then was music , mrs alfred was not here .
then there is a male teacher .

he let us early for recess 1min earlier , which i think dont make so much different . he told us to line up outside the class . but me joyce liza and satriya escape from the other side of the class .

was pretty fun ! (:

then was IT lesson . mr vinash asked the class committee to come out . so we came out we were told the stand outside so mr vinash started saying that our class is getting worst . alot of teachers think that 1N4 is etc et etc . then we were supposed to do our script but we were carry away until we didnt do . after awhile i wanted to do ,

the stupid bell rang .

so nevermind .

then was lit . okay the class was noisy . i slept awhile . and next week there is a **** -ing test ): there is history too ):

then the class started throwing paper ball .

haikel was making noise lah .
so mrs siva said

" haikel , if you dont want to study , get out of the class now "

then haikel really get out lahhhh , then mrs siva asked daniel goh to ask the OM come up , then daniel tan went out to find daniel goh and ETC ETC. ( cant say )

then the OM didnt came up lah .
cause daniel goh cant find him .

then finally school was like freaking over .
met xinyi then went to the PE to get the keys for the cage .

then went to the hall saw my wife , brendaaaaaa .

and we went up together .

we took the ball and return the key to mr chin .
and we stayed inside the PE room .

mostly playing , and that mr justin tan ahhhhhhhh , he is like super funny lahh .
make me laugh till siao .

then we trained and it rain lah , i was like wet because had to go and pick up the ball .

after the oral we went up to use the hall .

did some upper hand serving and digging , spiking .

then was match .

okay lahh , we lose to the c ' boys again .

but i still LOVE friday training<33333

oh yesssssss , i will only updated my blogger mostly on friday sat or sunday .

Sunday, July 15, 2007

well although yesterday we didnt watch transformer but we still had LOADS of fun as usual (:
ochir and sky didnt came):

so i met the JCCTSDOK at lakeside MRT . after that went to yiphuan house and let her change
her brother cried because he wanted to come with us too .

we went to causeway first but the freaking tickets were sold out ):

then we went JEC also all sold out ! ):

then was about 6 plus , so we went to find valerie and sky at the library

chatted awhile then sky and val got to go .

so we went back to JEC .
then we walk past a shop that make jersery and t-shirt .
thought of making and some of them they agreed to the idea , but need to confirm the members .
so we went to the arcade .
it was SUPER PACKED with people
then we decided to take neoprints(:

these are the pictures , we took 2 machine . some pictures is not with me

i like this ! (:

JCCTSDOK <33333333>


haha , after neoprints when to eat . because they were ALL hungry .

then phonemyat when home.

the others went to my house .

wanted to take cab but kimhiang didnt want .

then on the train . yiphuan and me keep disturb timothy

we kept blowing this hair and he feel itchy .

haha !

my family all went out so i brought romeo down because they want to see romeo .

then we went to the carpark .

after awhile we find it spooky .

then we faster go down .

chatted awhile then we went home because yiphuan had to go home .


Friday, July 13, 2007

i'm back to blogging man ! because some people requested me .

oh so great one week just passed so fast ! and next week i'm having the F-ing common test ):

tmr going out with the JCCTSDOK <3333333333> going to study .

watching transformer tmr but we havent choose the venue yet .

and yah , had a FUN day today. expect for english class .

well is like during english class , mrs foo came in late and we took about 10mins to greet her .
then shah was aiman was sitting on the table . so mrs foo was like angry and ask they both to follow her down to the office . so jamalul was like " hey , mrs foo , shah they both didnt talked what "

then mrs foo asked jamalul to go along also .

so her period was 1 period then she took about 15-20 mins to settle the whole thing .
so she was like talking about the test paper . then she said " if the bell ring then i wont give you back the test paper cause you all are making so much noise "

i was like " where got "

then the stupid bell really rang .

then we were like " WAHLAO! "

then fine , she left .

the 3 guys came up . and they kanna suspension for 1 week .

we were like " what the hell ? "

how can mrs foo like that .

after recess had IT lesson .

today we played games .

the 3R games .

then was lit .

hahahaah , i was call out for dentist ! (: so didnt have mrs siva lesson! (:

nabilah was call too ! then we both do the check till 12.20 pm (:
in the dentist , there was this 3t1 or 3t2 guys that asked we all what class are we from . super irratating . the dentist that attended me ask me not to reply .

but i didnt intend to reply them anyway .

then was volleyball ! yes , every friday training is SUPER FUN ! played with mr tan and brenda haha . we keep spike him .

and yes ,

mr tan is a VERY GOOD PLAYER .

then coach trained my upper hand service .

haha , i served over a few times ! so happy .

well , that 60times wasn't for nothing .

after that coach asked me to do 60 times again if i'm not tired .

so i did lah , cause i want to train up my upper hand service .

and today i did 120 times of carrying up and down of the metal stick .

end up today when going home i had leg muscle cramp . thankgod mr tan was with me . i feel so much better .

i'm sure that my hand and legs will be super pain tmr .

but nevermind ! (:

coach says if you feel the pain , you are improving


Sunday, July 8, 2007

oh yes , after such a boring day yesterday . finally at night we went to eat something good .

went to eat sushi , the jap village (:

the food is NICE , especially the salmon teriyaki is really NICE man !

and i tried the salmon . oh gosh. taste like JELLY. i dont know what my dad like about it SO MUCH man . he order 2 plates . and he cant finish it .

then my mum ask me to try . i didnt there so i took my dad rice to put together with it.

ahhh , and i didnt know that below of the rice there is wasaba .

then i ate . i was like " what the hell man "
so nevermind lah .

hahaha , yesterday my mum is really cute man .
haha , i shall not mention .

yesterday had fun , we were laughing . haha .

the total was : 96.50 .

then i told my dad . aiyaa. i should have order more so the total amt will be 100 dollars . and it will be easily for you to pay .

then he was like " =.= "

then my sister drove back home .

Saturday, July 7, 2007

yes yes , back here to blog ! (:

yesterday was super NICE!

had maths yesterday , catch no ball ,
but not only i catch no ball but the WHOLE class .

okay , i'm doing some revision tmr ,

had english . mrs foo came in scolding us .

then was history . mrs ng shouted because our class was not behaving well .

then was music , okay lah , the 4 teeth monster ( daniel ) , aiman and liza really makes me laugh like mad .

then was lit , mrs siva didnt came ! (: the whole class was super happy (:
including me ! (:

but we were ask to do a worksheet . ahh sad & i was praying for the time to pass super fast .

after school met brenda celine slyvia and joey for lunch .

then went to changed into our jesery .

played with my brendaaaa .
haha , now she calls me laopo ! (:

trained at the foyer and yes , outdoor training again .

haha , the training was REAL REAL REAL fun ! (:
bren was siao man !
when we was playing a match .

me & bren was a team .

coach , jun de & Westley was one team .

bren was screaming like hell man ,

me & bren kept spiking at them !

yesterday daniel keep helping us to take the ball , well first time .
bren says " daniel liang xing fa xian . "


during the small match we all including coach was laughing like hell . ended up , my cheeks was super pain .

today wake up , expected . hand & leg pain due to yesterday gym equipments .

was bored , lijie asked me to go out with her for lunch .
so i met her in jp and we played .

then went back home . used laptop . dont know whether acer has done a good job repairing the laptop anot .

it keep hang ):

give up and use the com .

and came blogging ! (:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

and yes , i'm back to blogging (:

had maths today . okay , miss geja and another male teacher teach us . i forgot his surname but i didnt listen .

so miss geja said that sometimes he will be teaching us . i was like oh my god .

okay , so nevermind . the first period he teach .

the whole class almost slept .

he gave us a worksheet on some ratio problem about princesses castle and bodyguards .

so we go through the paper .

after that , he was still talking about the princesses , castle and bodyguards .

i was almost sleeping .

all right , he spend alot alot of time on that . and i think he couldnt take it anymore , so he asked miss geja to take over . well , it was SO MUCH BETTER .

but i can see the male teacher quite stressed up .

and then was PE . okay i forget to bring my PE or rather wear it .

so i sat with joyce liza hazlina hasmidah nabilah merlinn & syazreen .

after recess was D & T .

okay , really sucked .

but i'm happy because joyce liza daniel goh adrain jamalul and etc helped me to draw (:

hahaa . can see the 1n3 team spirit (: YES , LOVE IT .

then was science , listen abit only . okay, tonight i will read on what she teach again (:

then was english , mrs foo didnt teach anything , our class was too noisy and dirty . they played paper balls .

then was mother tougue , we were reading this article about a p5 kid who ran away from home . then only had 5 dollars for 4 days .

so mr sewa told us :

hey , next time you want to run away from home PREPARE enough money and dont go home after 1 month and if you want to run away from home , dont be so stupid to stay around your house area .

the whole class laughed . HE IS SUPER FUNNY LAH .

then stayed in school to do maths homework with liza (:

YES , TMR THERE IS VOLLEYBALL , but training in the foyer .

hope tmr weather will be JUST nice (:

Monday, July 2, 2007

oh so great lah , after 5 months of the car accident . only now the other party sent the lawyer letter to my dad for compensation . well , my dad is also a victim what .

me and my sister find it quite stupid . anyway i think they settling this in court ?

and yes , today liza came to my house , yea to do project .

she used my com and i use laptop . quite fun (:

then the most funniest part was , i send her down . we went to the fitness court .
so i was saying , liza is the most retarded , stupid and dumb people in the world , so this malay aunty sitting down said " YES " very loudly .

is like so conicidental , i was laughing like mad . so i told liza " see ! she agreed what i said ! (: "

super fun . i kept teasing this with her (:

Sunday, July 1, 2007

oh yea , i'm back to blogging again . yesterday was simply bored . have been using com almost for the WHOLE day . same for today too .

nothing special happened .

ahh , bloody shit . i'm super bored ):
i wanna go swimming but no one wants to go.
i wanna excerise but no one wants to excerise.

oh yeah , sucked like usual .

i realised after i came back from penang i became fatter ):

okay. enough of craps .

yesterday went to ethan friendster . okay it was a random one . in his friendster had this song , was NICE . and ever since yesterday i have been listening to it . somehow obsessed with it .

went to imeen and find . all thanks to the stupid 30 seconds . i didnt get to listened to the full song .

and yes , anybody who had that song , send it to me (:

oh so great lah . is only 1.50 pm now . and not having any plans later on . i think i shall slept for the rest of the hours (: