Wednesday, June 27, 2007

okay , i updated ! (:

okayyy , didnt touch my blog for a LONG time .

lazy to blog , well , too many stuffs going on recently .

the trip to penang was SUPER FUN ! we meet our relatives etc , and we almost ate 5 meals a day . okay lah , i'm getting heavier by 2 kg ! ): sad

the food in penang was SUPER delicious . cant blame me for eating almost 5 meals a day . didnt go to penang for 6 years .

and yeh , james know how to drive car , what the ! i also want lah . abish , still alot of years to learn how to drive a car ):

james and stephen , my cousins . drove us around and we went to QUEENBAY mall . it was a neighbouring shopping mall and it is almost as big as vivo city . we have to walk one end to another end . my legs are cracking that day . we went there for ARCADE! (: played ALOT ALOT like para para , DDR , dotona and etc . total spend about $70 RM plus ? it was FUN .

and almost everyday we slept about 2 plus . playing PS or chatting , didnt want to go hotel because we will have to return to the hotel very early and not acessible .

there wasnt enough rooms . so we slept in the living room . with our cousins . stephen slept on the sofa , my sister james and me slept on the floor .

i'm the one sleeping in the middle . i can see that james feel quite stress sleeping beside me . haha . but in the end . we all slept soundly till the next morning . visited alot of place and took ferry . me and my sister was quite shiok when we knew that our cars was able to get onto the ferry .

and the last second night , we went to eat roti pata , okay i dont know how to spell that , so i just stick to this .

we order tissue pata , it WAS SUPER SUPER BIG! is like 75 cm long . post the pic some other time .

super nice too ! (:

at uncle house , we played UNO and 21 points . and i learn a NEW game called "TAN" was FUN(: love playing with them ALOT ALOT ALOT ! (:

uncle was SUPER funny when we play money . my sister was the banker and uncle was losing , so he say " MONEY COME! MONEY COME ! " and he did the action was SUPER funny .

so almost everyday we spend our time EATING , PLAYING AND VISITING . shiok man ! LOVE IT ! the part that i hate was visiting , cause they were talking in another lauguage which me and my sister catch NO ball .

it was the last day , we bid goodbye ! we was quite sad lah . but we will communicate through MSN .

i wanna go penang AGAIN ! (:

today :

today was SUPER tired . i didnt know why . but just feel tired .

2 teachers didnt came . so had free time and i slept .

during assembly , i slept too , was boring that why .

during history period was super noisy . didnt listen to what mrs ng was saying and bored so i drew .

i was praying the time to pass super fast and faster have volleyball training .

today volleyball and alot , i really mean ALOT of boys came .

during volleyball training , couldnt really concentrate what i was doing ):

and during match , i can see jiao lian was quite pissed with me because i made a mistake . sad ):

and YOU , stop it okay ? do you think that you are that good ? cristising people . i tried my best to save the ball okay? i didnt want to use one hand all right ? if i were to use 2 hand i will fall . you think you are that good to say me ? if you were that good why didnt you dig the ball youself? and you didnt give her a chance to try , trying to take the ball . for goodness sake lah .

well nevermind , since everything is over .

- just couldnt get anything right ):
ahhhhhhhhh , i suck lah ! ):

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