Tuesday, May 29, 2007

tag replies :

rikasugo : (:

liza : nono , i never record the song , i went to iwebmusic for the song.

hazlina :YES YES YES is the song from mar & venus . lols? you and liza got same thinking ah , i never record the song , dots.

joyce : my sister skin ? really ? haha .

ochir has gone for overseas . meaning i got one person less to talk to ):

went to sentosa on sunday , the weather was freaking HOT lah): morning we met the dog gang and head straight off to sentosa , uncle driving was pretty good.

reached sentosa , tanjong beach . it was packed with LOADS of people , and the carpark was VERY SMALL , but of course , lucky enough to find one lot .


put sunblock and dashed into the beach , was very fun . but A LOT of seaweeds . yucks. play play play , went to BBQ , and went back to swim . romeo swim so cute lah. but he will swim back to the shore. while twinkle and the other romeo will not . can see the dogs really enjoyed themselves.

daddy and mummy came along too . and they went to the WRONG beach , but they managed to get to tanjong beach in the end(:

after they came , we swim to a nearby island , play and play and play . about 6 we went off (:

yesterday had IT and volleyball training in school . the IT starts at 8.00 am but i wake up around 7.50 am . :p

did clay animations , VERY FUN , used the cola and salt to make the volcano erupt . AND ALOT OF PEOPLE ASK ME WHY MY FACE WAS SO RED, i said " had sunburn "

in the end , my nails was VERY VERY DIRTY):

went to eat lunch and went back for volleyball , the volleyball mates also asked me why my face was so red , well expected.

yesterday training was CRAZY . especially the service part . those who cant serve over had to do punishment , i was one of them . had to do sit up , up -down & push ups .

did spiking part , almost every ball can spike over (:

then had match , me brenda , slyvia ,celine , joyceneo , joycelai played. after joyceneo went off , JIAO LIAN WAS PART OF OUR TEAM (:

IT WAS FUN LAH(: better then the last match. and i spike two balls over((:

the training was supposed to end at 5pm , in the end we played till 6.30 (: having volleyball training tmr (:

Saturday, May 26, 2007

tag replies :

BRENDA : OF COURSE , NO . hahaha. thankq

HWA*: thankQ , thought of changing the size too!

LIZA : thankQ!(:

joyce : HAHAHA , dont know also (: find it nice cause can change the pink and white part the part that says " you dont seem to care why should i ? " and "love is blind but nothing is forever "

HOHOHO~ back to blogging(: yesterday was fun . i received my report book (: phew . my results.

total for my results : 577.9 /900

ranking in class - 8

ranking in NA level -8

thankgod i got top 10 , othewise my parents is going to kill me , i bet.

during school time :

history lesson

went to the hall for the talk . I WAS ROTTING THERE LAR , freaking bored there. finally we can go back to the class (:

maths lessons
:so called "escape " out of the class . went to toliet took pictures with liza and hazlina (:

not only WE escape out of the class , almost the whole class went out. and that mr tan was still teaching, but NOBODY CARES , expect for a few. not more than 5.

after the school and got the assignments for holidays plus report book went to shuqun primary. the freaking security guards dont let us in. what the ? then we were like waiting for 1 hour. and finally they let us in. and we were like inside not more then HALF and hour , those not in school .U . have to get out of the school . so we went out. but of course i was in my school . U , but went out with them . before that saw mdm zurinah and gave her see my report book . she was quite happy because from P4 i started failing my maths . and this time i pass lar.

and went to buy bubble tea with yiphuan corine , the aunty still know us(: good memory, unlike me (:

while others , ochir ,timothy jityee ,kenneth rika , etc went to mac.D.

thought of the whole thing , seems sad to me )':

went home about 3.50 pm cause having DOG RUN with the dog gang(:

mum did alot of cooking (: and they love the food(: met quite alot of dogs too! (: today going to supermarket at night together with michelle and john to buy food for tmr BBQ at sentosa(:

i bet tmr will be EXTREMLY fun , swimming with the dogs and BBQ-ing(:

is good to know people like this(:

maybe also organzing of BBQ at our house there too(:


anyone has "WOULD YOU BE THERE" (song) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me(: thankq!(:

well , i guess not only i want that song. ALOT OF PEOPLE WANTS IT TOO.


it doesnt seems like last time , where we used to do everything together.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

tag replies :

xinyan : thankQ!(:

ROSSLYN : thanks

JOYCE neo : thankQ!(:

celine : i'll link you (:

ann : will relink you (:

back here blogging , super boring . had elearning blah blah blah, watched mobtv. AHHHHHHHHH , my sister got new laptop . what the _________ . then her old laptop coming back with her within a few weeks? meaning she got 2 laptop . planning to take from her , or rather lend.(:

the functions of the new laptop quite good cause window vista. i also want! ): sad sad.

watch mobtv this morning after i had done my elearning . watched MARS VS VENUS. the ending was nice. and this is one of the sentence i found very funny when i was watching it . cause wenjing always call her husband MRT .

and MRT stands for MRT= Mentally Really Toot .

cant wait for outing to sentosa with the dog gang having BBQ(: and maybe this friday going east coast park and cycle with the dog gang but without twinkle's uncle.

HOHO~ cant wait for SUNDAY.

Monday, May 21, 2007

tag replies :

brenda : HOHO , brendadaaaa ,MY GOODY PARTNER! (: maybe going gym on the next monday? haha

liza : HAHAHA , liza is a lizard? i dont think so (: cause she is a human:D

JOSEPHINE : okay . i'll link you too(:

apple : no lar , she human.

joyce : hahaha , happy(: thankQ! :D

liza : thankQ!

civilise : thankQ! you are?

shannon : thankQ! (: I'M 13 :D


had a fun day yesterday , when the boys went for the talk , we are so noisy. we got one percussion group in our class . weeeeeeeeeeee , frtri teach the girls for the song and we learned and had alot of fun . AHHHHH , melinn & joyce gave me 13 BIRTHDAY BASH on my hand . hohoho , joyce next time will be you(:

time pass very slow during class yesterday until mr vinash took us down to MLC. where time just pass so fast. during volleyball yesterday the match is not so fun . i made ALOT of mistakes): i miss brendaaaaaaa , my partner. ahhh she went for the camp and never come for volleyball . sad sad . volleyball ended and jiao lian began his speech at the canteen , talking about respecting the table. LOLS. then we said we want to go to the gym to train up our stamina at monday. well , is not confirm yet.

the stupid elearning really suck . shouldnt they upload everything by yesterday? make our life so difficult today cause we cant find the homework . did history quiz with liza. and i went to sleep . after that the science homework has been uploaded so i went to anyhow do . and i did it for maths too(:

hope tmr elearning wont be so bad.

going out at night to celebrate and buy sister laptop . she got a new one , what the hell.


A BIG THANKS to those people for wishing me happy birthday .
ohhhhhhhhh well, in MLC room now, mr vinash allow us to play our own games , felt bored and came to post(: ahhhhhhhhhh~ the keyboard isnt nice to press , i guess i shall do my blogging at home:D

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Saturday, May 19, 2007

tags replies:

kaijun : mei nu? PUKE* you then mei nu ahhhhhhh(: hmm yah, should be(: and your birthday is before my birthday one day right? 2105(: linked too!

lizard : you are liza? LOLS? since when you become lizard?

xinyan : yes , i will(: you also must!(: jiayou jiayou:D

sugobaby : thankQ!(:

jingwen : yes! of course! i miss them(: i'll link you too(:

ahval : where got so many tags? haha , i will tag you at your blog (: fangxin:D you this chio bu:D

amirah : yes yes! (: i'll link you(:

oh well, didnt get to use the com yesterday as my sister was using because her laptop went into ICU and she has projects and work to do , so lend her the com. anyway yesterday was FREAKING FUN LARRRRRRR.

during CME lesson , watched volcano , it was quite sad because the guy melted in the magma while saving the guy in the train , and the class was very quite during the movie because the volume of the sound was very very soft until we have to read the subtittle.

got back history paper , i got 48.5 /80 .thank god i passed. otherwise had to stay back during june holidays(: epxecting to fail because everytime not listening in class.

during maths lesson , i almost got rape by merlinn and joyce lar, running outside the class like siao cha bo, me , merlinn and joyce wanted to escape to the toliet without teacher permisson but in the end got caught and was back, but in the end we still went , hazlina haiqel and shah was slacking outside the classroom with music . then was chinese lesson , once the malay students are gone , the classroom was like SO MESSY . then the school end at 12.20 :D

went to eat fries with brenda , joyce and liza. of course , it was so much nicer then the school fries.

went back to the school for VOLLEYBALL.

it was EXTREMLY FUN((:

as usual we had a match. it was the most exciting match lar. the team plus nurazilah was a team , and joey , jiao lian and other 3 guys was one team,

yesterday, we almost serve everyball over, and i had a few falls while saving the ball. sad ahhhhhh. but then we won(: then jiao lian serving , omg lar. i called it the "MONSTER BALL " the speed of the ball coming to our team was DAMN fast lar. others did not catch the ball but i managed to dig the ball over. it was super pain. but for the team , i find it quite worth it(:

yesterday the match was SUPER FUN:D

and brenda was saying that during sat we should go gym:D and all the girls agreed , but need to talk to mr tan about it.

and today my body is aching all over, i guess i didnt excerise for too long that why.

but i still find it fun(:

i guess today have to stay at home myself at night. mummy going watch concert, sister going out , daddy eating with his friend. sad ahhhhhhhh. but nevermind i still got romeo:D

yesterday night told mummy all my results including chinese, her reaction was like nothing? so i went back to watch tv. phew thank god she didnt
lecture me.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

tag replies :

apple : heyhey apple lin(:

liza : lols. thankQ!

joyce : haha, thankQ!

xinyan : HOHO~ yanyan(: miss calling you that name (: i'm fine! thankQ!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~chinese suck lar): all thanks to the PAPER 1 , supposed to help me , but not. how am i going to tell my mum that i only get 56 for my chinese? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, dont know what happened during exam , is like , test i can do well always score about 70 plus expect for the first test 60 plus. so what if my geography get A? still pass so badly for my chinese. well , enough of this.

Had PE, tired after playing badminton and volleyball . OHHHHH , tmr VOLLEYBALL TRAINING RESUME:D

HOHOHO~ can hear jiao lian speech again (:

WELL WELL WELL, tmr watching volcanoes, the WHOLE class is very excited .
hope miss vani can get to book the AVA room:D

thanks miss vani for giving me the sustained excellence award(:

maths result : 64 /100 , first time i passed.

english : 80.5 /140

lit : 33/50

chinese : 56 /100 ( marks not confirm)

geography : 85 /100

today meet yiphuan outside our school , schoolgate

still so chio forever(: , went to sit at the mama shop , after that kimhiang and cloudy came, that cloudy still as naughty as forever, well, expected.

went to BUBBLE TEA SHOP. it has been a LONG TIME since i went there lar. auntie said she almost forget me. HAD ICE BLENDED GREEN APPLE(((:

went to her house , chatted all the way(:

and so kind of her to send me to the MRT STATION. THANKQ!

chatted with kaijun(: so cute sia she, well , because of her husband xD.

❤Lッ; ル「! says:
yoyoyo mei nu!

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
my payyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
you husband lack of money ar?

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
never give pay sia

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:
havent jun emahs

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
got like that one ar

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:
he didnt??

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
yeh lo

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:
wait arhs . i go ask him

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
i wnat to fire him sia

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:
my husband say he too busy till forget

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:
i know he not enought money

Jasmine ((: our heart will stay as one ; says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:
sorry arhs.

; ❤Lッ; ル「! says:
i help my husband to apologise


everything will seem fine tmr again(:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

tags replies :

shannon:D : yehhh , i link you already(:

timothy : HOHOHO~ timothy! i'm fine! PEACE TOO(:

rosslynn : okay! i'll link you(: thankQ! take care too(:

tiffany : okays! i'll link you too(: thankQ!

destiny : you are phonemyat? i'm fine(: how are you too? hope you are fine too! :D

back here blogging, i'm so glad that there is schooling tmr(: at least i wont rot in school(: all right , i received one stupid message from thuya today morning

the message says :


1st FACT : -U can't touch all your teeth with your tougue ( so i went to try )

2nd FACT : -after reading this all FOOLS will try it

3rd FACT :-now you will smile cause you have becomed a fool ( i laughed )

4th FACT :-now you will want to fool all your friends

5th FACT:-now you will forward it to all fools. ( which i didnt , cause dont want to waste my msg)


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i had been fooled.

i want class gathering! I MISS THEM SO MUCH LAR):

romeo is so smelly. anyway bathing him later. yesterday the dog club didnt meet up so went to sleep early. and since this morning , i have been watching tv lar. BORED, i want get out of the house.

i need a hair cut): maybe during june holidays?

and yah , i realise that alot of people are getting more EMO nowadays. i wonder how the class will behave tmr? crazy? tmr there is maths class , meaning we can go toliet without cher's permission :D WELL , nobody cares.

ahhhhhh, i think i cant meet my target for MYE already larr. came to think about it my chinese compo suck lar. dont know why ever since i come to secondary school i have lost concentration in studies. became more playful . nevermind(: hope my chinese can get A (:

everything seems like a dream.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

tags replies:

anti jasmine : HOHOHO~ dont think i dont know is you huazhou, well anyway you admit it already(:

jolene : okay i'll link you soon! ((:

yijin : take care too!

hazlina : maybe later? cause i'm too lazy now :P

wenyen : thankQ!

liza : did i? i'll relink you again (:

jasmine's life : eat sleep eat sleep? NOOOOO i dont want! i already put on weight! ): ahhhhhhhhh whatever. i need school life~ volleyball faster resume, miss volleyball & jiao lian speech~

yesterday was quite fun. make pizza, it turned out to be quite nice:D
slept about 1 o'clock because was with the dog gang downstair(: the puppy is SOOO cute lar, he is just 2months and he is hyper active(: we chatted about dogs stuffs and organzing activities again~(: sentosa, i miss the last trip to sentosa, so this time i'm going~ yesterday we were like one crazy bunch of people downstairs laughing, heng, police didnt came :p chatted with ochir yesterday . well. I MISS HIM~ all right, I MISS THE GANG TOO! and the 8pm contact(: i'm happy that even though we are in different school but we are still together, this make me treasure our friendship more(:

sometimes is good to know such people like that((:

ahhhhhhhh~ what i'm going to do for the rest of the time? SLEEP? play games? is killing me):

Sunday, May 13, 2007

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~ why must paper end tmr? why not on this friday? make our life so miserable. well, even although tmr is science paper 1 , i did study abit because couldnt get myself in mood to study. well, went to IMM to replenish our foods because we're running out. i bought or rather my mother bought a necklace for me ((: all right, i shall stop here! need to go upload songs in my mp3 :D goodynights! good luck for tmr last paper guys~((:


HOHOHO~ guys! i'm back blogging~ well, it seems like i didnt touch blogging for years and i miss blogging((: is about 12plus. better not stay up too late. nights! (:

should i believe?

Saturday, May 12, 2007