Tuesday, September 30, 2008

LOLLLL,we are now in lab,freaking hot,bodoh._.
but we dont want to go to lab 5 which is at new block.everybody dont want to climb the mount everest-.-
and we still got 2 periods here?hopefully nobody comes in.
I THINK I SCREWED up my chinese paper yesterday.the first 2 part was a disaster.somemore im sitting at the door,freaking hot.
today morning told my dad i want to learn guitar after my exams and he somehow agree i think:D
today the class is like so empty.so many malays didnt come,sigh.no fun.
but nevermind:D
i cant wait for the next paper seriously.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

concern or trust?

its 2.47am.
Got accused again by my parents for coming online to talk awhile ago.
thought of it,it makes me laugh.you said coming online to talk? at such a time?where i can be enjoying my beauty sleep?who will be such a fool to wake up just to talk.
study got accused dont study get blame for getting poor results.

you said you dont want me to go to the library to study,i stayed at home to study.so whats with your problem now.

wanted to study with brother online because 2brains thinks better than one and you scream at me and wanted to hit me too?
in the end also dont see him online._.
if you think you can help me then teach me.

thought back,it really makes me laugh because such dramatic things actually happens on me.

you took back the laptop and gave back the laptop to me after sister scolded you and said sorry to me which shows me that you dont trust me.

i thought you both will be supporting me but in the end you put me down even more.
is okay,i dont expect much from you both at all.
thanks sis again(3

im going to study.heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

EYE has started yesterday.
going to sch on thurs with brenda was fun i think.hah

yesterday paper was alright.have to really start mugging already.
and surprising i passed my math mock paper2._.
thought i will fail.lucky maybe.
2n0 lets work hard together to receive a treat from miss zahirah.hahahha.
maths remedial was somehow fun this week.i think its because of the classroom.hahahah.

mikhaal very hamsome la.hahahhaha.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

thanks 2n3 for you concern:D
wasnt feeling well so went home.
and thanks guys for helping me to wrap up my tableeeee:D
hah and brenda lets see who shit more alright (:

tmr will be my first time going to sch without daddy.lollllll.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

everyone is feeling the stresssss,i suppose?
2n0 jiayouuuuuuuu for math:D

off to do my art preparation workkkkkkkk.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

day ruined by my mom.
thanks to her._.
wanted to study with express math students today?and she didnt allow.
instead she made a big fuss out of it.whatever la i didnt lie to her.
i told her dont know how many times that im really going to the library to study and she didnt believe it.
started to scream at me and of course i scream back.

ahwhatever la,not going to be upset over this.
this is not the first time also.
parents dont trust their own children?
thanks sister for helping me:D

jacqueline says im fierceeeeeee.hahahah.
subway for dinner yesterday and the cashier counted one extra small drink and fatty2 and jacqueline thought it was free or the person accidentally gave them.
they started wondering how come it was so expensive.
worked it out and the cause was the 1 extra drink.

jacqueline didnt wanted to clarify this.but i did,not because i wanted to take back the money back.because to let them know the mis-calculation they had made.
jacqueline was like very nervous when i asked her to go together with me since she was the one that purchase the drink.hahah,so cute and she said that i was very fierce when i talked to the cashier,told her to chill because they should be the one feeling nervous.
okay la,in the end they still got their 1.90 back.
and jacqueline forget to took the money when we went off.lolllll.

didnt make jersey because we felt that the uncle was bluffing us.
caijing and kienli pierce their ear?
i couldnt stand the uncle,keep flirting or whatever with them.
he was like so rude when jacqueline asked him a question.
stared at him.couldnt take it and went off._.disgusting.

hhahaha,brother im so touched.lol

Thursday, September 18, 2008

math test became math homework.hahaha.
had history and geo test today only.
i think history test was alright.could answer every question.hopefully my answer is relevant to the question.
geo test.just wrote in whatever i know.
hopefully i will pass.
after sch,they started playing songs through the PA system or whatever they called that.we got so irritated and couldnt concentrate.syazreen,the way she react,so cute ah she.

and 2pm was the express oral.
and miss zahirah asked us to do as homework,which i havent started and its 10.03 now and i have yet to study for my chinese and lit geo tmr,have to stay up today too._.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


why am i even selected to do express math.
regret when i was in primary sch my basic wasnt so good sometimes problems comes in when im doing math.
hopefully i still got enough time to study.
geo,history and math test tmr have to sleep late tonight again-.-

Sunday, September 14, 2008

tempted to play with candles and lanterns(:

studied till 4am this morning with brotherrrrrrr.lol and i dont know why i woke up like so early despite sleeping so late?
im in the study mood:Dlaptop is infront of me just like the previous exam period.i think i wont be touching the com for a long time.

next saturday burn midnight oil again brother!
and i just realised that i need to buck up on my math.hopefully there is enough time.
tmr there is probability and data analysis test.

Friday, September 12, 2008

studies studies and studies

EYE is comingggggggggggg._.and im glad that im in the study mood:D
and everyone is feeling the stress?
i think sch today was alright?

MT:that huang lao shi._.reprimanded melinn,me,joyce and daniel.
at first he asked who didnt bring books to sch and asked us to stand up.
in the end he only ask me and caijing to remain standing.
and he started saying

huang lao shi:"dont want to bring books right?get out of the class"
i asked caijing whether she wants anot,then she was like okay.
when i was walking out of the class,he was like

huang lao shi:are you trying to go against me?
me:whatttttttt?you ask me to get lost one what.__________.
huanglaoshi: go back to your sit.

then i went back he started nagging and etc.saying my parents didnt teach me well?wth.
and your chinese dont rock either?
then he started asking joyce to stand up,nag nag nag and ask her sit down._.
then i was the only one?
so i was looking outside to see those people playing floor ball and he thought i was looking at liza chinese book and he asked me to sit down.thankgod no need to stand up for 2 period?
and he took down me joyce and melinn name._.still have to write for him somemore.
and im glad that mon is his lasttttttttttttt day.HAHHA!now we know the importance of mr sewa!

literature was fun today!:D
miss lee.HAHAHAH
satria and alson knows what happened!hahahahh.so damn funny,like seriously.

today is the last training.
i like the dig set spike that part?i think was fun(:
match today was funnnnnnn,but starting wasnt really fun?
hah!i like the last set,glad that we didnt take the 6points.
ain and sylvia._.super cute ah they both.lol.thankgod we won that point.hahah

during de-brief,junfeng told us that there will be teachers giving us group remedial because we have been concentrating too much on vb?
so sweet of them ah!<3

went for team dinnerrrrrrr.
okay,finally a long break to rest.
and a long break for my kneeee:D
but everyday still have to climb that mount everest like caijing said.-.-

okayyyyyyyyyy,im starting studying from tmr.
gonna buck up!:D
jiayou everyone!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

why must it be me again?!
have been really feeling very guilty since the last incident and it happened again

i thought today will be a fun training for me.

i need to scream badly.

Friday, September 5, 2008

i want to learn right hand serviceeeeeeeeeeeee.

training training and training.

tues:had breakfast with some of the players?HAHAA
veron: HAHA you are not hot okayyyyyyyyyy!im still feeling cold(8

wed: train on our defence?i think those first ball were received quite well.
went to meet up with old peeps.hahah they didnt change?lol.dont want to talk about
what happened to steamboat.hahahah.went home like midnight?cab home thankgod jityee they all send me home(3

thursday had friendly with fairfield?lost but i think we improved?it was fun alright!i think everybody enjoyed it too.
coach say until so loud serve to number2-.-so sylvia and joei.hahahah.and all of us started laughing even fairfield people also.
did alot of blockings?knee was seriously pain.jump too much.got block till ball but i think their defence was good?hahah.but after the second set the setter didnt set to the centre player again.then i cant block-.-so pissed.

HAHAHAH and i saw jia onn finallyyyyyyyyyyyy for like so many years?(3
thought he wont remember me but he did! so cute ah he.
i still remember p1 and 2 we were very close.hahah!

i was referee for one match and sylvia was the next one.HAHAHAH both of us bo licence.lol
i slept when sylvia was referee,tired.hahahhh.

fri: training wasn't really great.i think everyone was tired from the friendly.ate mac for lunch because sylvia wants to eat.during the debrief it was like 45 mins?._.everybody was like -.-
coach said superman and we heard sperm-man.HAHAHAH.everybody started laughing at coach againnnnnnnnn.

and we went to macdonalds again for dinner since they all wanted it?-.-played vb at the basketball and the ball flew out to the road.thankgod no cars ran over it.

DANIEL = the hero of the day for saving coach ball.HAHAH.sounded so wrong.

im gaining 3151678424242 kg .__.
feel so heavy and i went to skip for 1000times before i bathhhhhh.

i want and i must learn right hand service.at least it touch the net.hahahah.have to adjust the height?

yay dad is driving me to hokkien street to take photos for my lit projecttttttttttttttttt:D
dont have to take mrt thereeeeeeeeeee.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

woke up like the normal sch day?
i was late for the breakfast but sylvia and joei was even more late!hahaha.
training starts at 8.sylvia and joei came around 7.50am.lol
okayyyyy,but almost everyone was late i supposed?
play dig set and spike?couldnt breathe properly its been so long since i had time?sorry ah bren make you keep pick up the ball.hahah,coach suspects that i got asthma-.-

went to gym?i think it was really funny.haha syazreen got suan by coach.lol.so mean.
played match.was team with bren wesley zhenwei tzhongmin and daniel.we won 2 sets,it was really fun(:

went to mac.D again?
hahah.cause talking about knees.
coach ask me to change my way of walking otherwise i knee will spoil before im 20?
but thats the way i walk-.-sylvia i understand how you feel nowwwwwwww,hahahah.
mine = walk inwards
sylvia=walk outwards.
yayyyyyy meeting primary sch pals for dinner tmr?(:
tmr have to go home after training at 1?because of my mom,sigh.

i feel like singing and doing skipping now.lol

Monday, September 1, 2008

spend the whole day at home?
wanted to go jw sports hall to play badminton-.-
in the end couldnt?because the repairman came and i have to stay at homeeeeeeeeee.
okay starting from tmr have to wake up so early for training.

sat maybe going chinatown for lit project?lolol.
yesterday was great?at night met up with donglun and leslie.
HAHA angel is so cutee when she did the "bang" trick.
and that "roll" trick.

and that donglun brought one more dog.
called melinn.LOL.
and its a male dog.
reminds me of my class melinn-.-

donglun : michi

i want ice blended mocha nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.